Tech Toolbox – Solar, Celing Fans and Calculators for the Homeowner

Solar Technology, Celing Fans Galore and Financial Calculators, all for the benefit of you, the Homeowner.

I’m always looking for ways to make homeowners, and their homes, better, simpler, safer and more efficient. Today we have a few helpful items that can save you money, and add comfort to your life.

There is a handy Finance Calulator on that provides an estimate of the home price you can afford. It’s easy, and a little fun to play with the numbers. Keep it handy, or share with a friend you think might like it.

Whether you are building a new home, or renovating an existing home, energy efficiency is always a consideration. Within the energy industry, new solar technology is finding new and better ways to get us all using solar energy. Check out this idea: solar lease.  Now homeowners can go solar without any upfront cost and save money from day one. Go Solar for $0? Solar City says it’s so –solar without the high initial cost of installing a system. Instead of buying the equipment, you simply lease it. Thet got me interested enough for a closer look.
One reason that lots of people are turning to ceiling fans these days is to reduce their energy usage. Therefore, it’s important to get the most efficient ceiling fan possible. And if you are in the market for a ceiling fan, one of the best collections or ceiling fan ratings and reviews )including energy star listings) is at Ceiling Fan Wizard.  No matter what your needs are for ceiling fans, you may find your answer on this site.
Tell me what you think. I’m always interested in. And keep those questions coming!


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